An energy kite in the sky


Harnessing wind energy with kites to create renewable electricity

Graduated, Alphabet Company/2019 - 2020

Makani set out to unlock access to new sources of clean, affordable wind power by developing novel energy kite technology. Over 13 years, the team developed kites that flew in loops to generate electricity, sending power down a tether to the grid. Despite strong technical progress,the road to commercialization proved longer and riskier than hoped. Makani wound down in 2020 and shared its technology, designs, patents and insights in hopes of advancing the airborne wind industry.

Untapped Wind Potential

Makani began in 2006 with a bold idea from a group of devoted kitesurfers: What if kites could harness enough wind energy to power the world? At the time, wind accounted for only 5% of the world's electricity. By replacing the massive steel towers of conventional wind turbines with lightweight hardware and smart software, the team hoped to unlock access to wind resources that were previously too expensive or impractical to reach with traditional wind technology.

Makani spent 13 years developing energy kites that generated electricity by flying in loops and sending power down a tether to the grid.

From Riding Waves to Harnessing Wind

Makani’s earliest prototypes were fabric-based and closely resembled kiteboarding gear. Testing quickly revealed that fabric kites lacked the efficiency and control needed for large-scale energy generation.

The team pivoted to rigid kites capable of supporting onboard rotors, allowing them to harness apparent wind for higher lift and more energy production.

From there, the team built and tested small-scale kite prototypes in a broad range of wind and environmental conditions. Here, the team tackled key challenges  like transitioning between vertical hover flight and generating energy in crosswind flight— where the kite flies in acrobatic loops to maximize power outputs.

The Makani team was founded by a group of kiteboarders inspired by the potential of harnessing wind energy with kites.
In 2008, the Makani team began testing with a fabric kite that resembled a kiteboarding sail.
The team explored a variety of prototypes, tested, and learned quickly.
Designed for efficiency and control, the Wing 4 prototype had rigid wings with onboard rotors.
The latest prototype, the M600, has a wingspan of 26m and a generating capacity of 600kW.
The M600 prototype in flight at the test site in California.
In 2018 the team installed a new ground station for flights at Parker Ranch in Hawai’i.

How the Energy Kite Worked

At take off, propellers on the kite acted like helicopter rotors — taking off and lifting it off the ground station. Once airborne, the kite climbed to a height of 1,000 feet, before shifting into a “crosswind flight”—a looping motion that doesn’t require additional energy output.

This phenomenon — which can be observed when  flying a kite on a windy day —allows air to flow through the rotors, turning them into mini wind turbines that generate energy that is then sent to a specially-engineered tether on the ground. A flight computer managed the kite’s path, keeping it stable even in turbulent winds and ensuring a controlled return to the ground station.

Video: First Crosswind Flight of a Utility Scale Energy Kite - Makani M600

An Aerodynamic Wing Tethered to a Ground Station

1. Resting

The kite rests on a ground station ready for launch.

2. Launch

The kite climbs to a desired altitude, and positions itself downwind. The rotors initially consume a small amount of energy to produce thrust.

3. Loop

The kite then transitions into crosswind flight. Aerodynamic life allows the wing to fly autonomously in loops optimized for maximum power generation by our flight controller.

4. Energy

Wind propels the kite around the loop. The rotors spin, driving onboard generators to produce electricity that is transferred back to the ground via the tether.

Kite Design


The airflow acting on a moving kite is many times faster than the wind experienced by a stationary object. This powerful apparent wind spins the kite’s rotors, generating a large amount of electricity.


The kite’s airframe has to handle loads of 7-15 Gs.


Data from GPS and other sensors help the software steer the kite.

4. Navigation

Onboard computers running custom flight controller software guide the autonomous kite’s flight path.

5. Motor Control

1200V DC silicon carbide motor controllers handle high voltages efficiently with minimal mass.

6. Stacked Rotors

8 stacked rotors are spun by the wind in crosswind flight. Each drives a permanent magnet motor/generator that generates electricity onboard.

Taking Wind Energy Higher

After years of iteration, the team developed the M600, a utility-scale, carbon-fiber kite with the wingspan of a small jet. This advanced kite could generate enough energy to power about 300 homes.  The team ran a number of successful tests including flying the world’s first offshore flight of an airborne wind turbine off the coast of Norway, with support from their partner Shell.

 Sharing Makani

In 2020 Makani’s journey came to an end. To share their lessons and insights with the airborne wind community, the team created The Energy Kite Collection—a comprehensive archive of technical reports, designs, code repositories, flight controls, and flight logs. They also created a film documenting their 13-year effort building energy kites.

Video: Pulling Power from the Sky: The Story of Makani [Feature Film]